Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)
The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) is an office-level agency in the federal administration of Switzerland, and a part of the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs. Climate change, agriculture and food security as well as water being one of the themes of focus for SDC, the Agency recently launched the Sustainable Mountain Development for Global Change (SMD4GC) programme, a programme with the goal to contribute to SMD under uncertain changes in climatic, environmental and socio-economic conditions, focusing on poverty and risk reduction. Under this programme, SDC has been the major sponsor of the WMF since its inception in Lucerne in 2012. All core funding for WMF 2016 has been provided by the Agency and even participation costs for selected participated will be covered by this funding.
UN Environment
Climate Change is one of the priorities of the UN Environment’s Regional Office for Africa (ROA). The goal of UN Environment’s climate change related activities in Africa is twofold: (1) support African countries to reduce vulnerability and build resilience to the impacts of climate change through ecosystem-based adaptation and (2) promote the development of renewable sources of energy and energy efficiency as part of the sustainable energy for all initiative and climate mitigation effort.
Water for Growth, Rwanda
W4G is a four-year, joint Rwanda-Netherlands initiative aiming to improve the effective management of water resources in Rwanda. The programme is led by the Government of Rwanda and supported by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands (EKN). Currently, the programme has supported the development of management plans for four important catchments in Rwanda where examples of collaboration arrangements between mountain upstream communities and lowland downstream communities are demonstrated.
IUCN, Eastern and Southern Regional Office
IUCN ESARO through its regional Forest Landscape Restoration (FLR) Hub is an organizing partner of the Africa Regional Mountain Forum 2018. The hub provides technical capacity and effective measurement mechanisms for restoration activities and is poised to be a reliable source of accurate and current data about FLR initiatives across the region. During the ARMF 2018, IUCN will present a case study of the office's work to promote FLR in eastern Rwanda.