Discussions en cours lors du 1er Forum régional pour les montagnes d'Afrique à Arusha, en Tanzanie, en 2014
Les participants du 1er Forum régional pour les montagnes d'Afrique posant pour une photo de groupe.

Veillez ouvrir la brochure de l'événement pour plus d'information sur la conférence
En 2014, ARCOS et ses partenaires ont organisé le premier Forum Régional pour les Montagnes d’Afrique, un événement qui s'est tenu à Arusha, en Tanzanie, sur le thème: «Vers un agenda partagé pour les montagnes d'Afrique». Le forum a été l’occasion pour les parties prenantes de discuter des moyens d’intégrer les montagnes dans les programmes de dével
As the host of the 2nd Africa Regional Mountain Forum that was held in Kigali on 12-14 September 2018, Rwanda pledges to support Sustainable Mountain Development (SMD) initiatives in the country and develop legal instruments to mainstream SMD into the overall national development agen...
Around 3 million hectares of forest are lost every year in Africa and 65 percent of land on the continent is affected by degradation resulting in an annual loss of 3 percent of GDP from soil and nutrient depletion. Most of these areas affected by degradation in Africa are mountainous ...
East Africa’s mountains support large human populations. The Ugandan side of Mount Elgon, for instance, has an average population density of 900 people per square kilometre. The Rwandan side of the Virunga massif also harbours the highest density of population in a country that is a...
The Albertine Rift has recently been the centre of major developments in terms of infrastructure development projects, oil exploration, and many other projects in agriculture, energy and transport sectors. These projects may represent a potential threat to biodiversity, and ecosystem ...