
The vice-president of Uganda launches the Uganda Sustainable Mountain Development Strategy

During the closing ceremony of the World Mountain Forum 2016 that was held in Mbale, Uganda on 17-20 October 2016, His Excellence Edward Ssekandi, the Vice-President of Uganda launched the Uganda Sustainable Mountain Development Strategy.
The s

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Waste in mountains – a hidden disaster in the making

In a refreshing side event to the WMF 2016, UNEP and partners presented the preliminary findings of the Waste Management Outlook (WMO) for mountain regions, a publication that will be launched on this year’s World Mountain Day (11 December 2016).

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World Mountain Forum 2016 outcomes at a glance

More than 250 delegates from around the world gathered in Uganda at Mbale Resort Hotel, from 17th to 20th October 2016, for the World Mountain Forum 2016. This forum served as a platform to share information and discuss the challenges and future oppo

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School children challenge the WMF 2016 delegates to leave Mbale with a clear plan of action for sustainable mountain development

In the afternoon of 17th October 2016, the World Mountain Forum 2016 kicked off at Mbale Resort Hotel, in Uganda. The Forum started with a Special Africa Mountain Event where different Sustainable Mountain Development (SMD) actors presented updates o

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Uganda est prêt à accueillir le forum mondial sur la Montagne

Le 29 Aout, lors d’une conférence de presse, Hon. Mary Kitutu - le Ministre de l’Etat chargé de l’environnement - a exprimé son enthousiasme pour le quatrième forum sur la montagne. Elle a indiqué que le gouvernement de l'Ouganda est optim

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Community-led landscape approaches hailed as critical tools for Sustainable Mountain Development

Indigenous and traditional peoples living in mountains are known to sustain important traditional knowledge and a diversity of resilient genetic resources that are adapted to mountain conditions. As an example, mountain farmers have explicitly design

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ICIMOD to initiate discussion on Himalayan Council

Countries of the Hindu-Kush-Himalayan region have now started pondering about the creation of the Himalayan council. This idea was discussed during a Knowledge Forum on Climate-Resilient Development jointly organized by the Ministry of Agriculture an

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ICIMOD launches the ICT for Mountain Development Award 2016

To mark World Environment Day 2016, The International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) has launched the ICT for Mountain Development Award 2016. This award which is being issued for its third consecutive year recognizes innovations

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New Mountain Adaptation Outlooks launched at COP 21

During the celebration of the International Mountain Day at Paris, 11 December, the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) concludes a series of Mountain Adaptation Outlooks. By promoting policies in favour of ecosystem-based adaptation in mountain regions,

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